The Chinese want to make Snowden brand

Beijing company has applied for a trademark registrantsiyu Snowden and Abama has second dog already, named after a former employee of the CIA, which has reported about government surveillance of citizens, writes the South China Morning Post.

Among Hong Yuan Xiang Lan (Hong Yuan Lan Xiang, HYLX), which develops technologies for electric vehicles, announced that the firm has made ​​a breakthrough in their field, comparable in scale to the statements Snowden .

"Snowden" in Chinese and English, the company wants to use as the title of his "secret technology for environmental cars" that Hong Yuan Lan Xiang plans to sell Chinese and foreign manufacturers of electric vehicles.

Applications can be viewed from a year to 15 months. However, experts interviewed by South China Morning Post, has raised concerns that Beijing authorities will not allow Hong Yuan Xiang Lan register a trade mark in honor of Edward Snowden, seeing the actions of the political subtext.

It is worth noting that in 2010 the trademark "Snowden" (斯诺登) has already been registered Chinese manufacturer of clothing.

Recall Edward Snowden fled the United States after the publication of a series of scandalous material about U.S. intelligence surveillance programs for users of mobile and internet networks.

From 23 June to 1 August Snowden was in the transit area of the airport Sheremetyevo up to the point where he was granted asylum in Russia for a period of one year.

As reported, the father of Edward Lawn Snowden has received a Russian visa and intends shortly to come to her son.

The very same CIA informant has already received job offers . Earlier it was reported that the founder of the Russian social network VKontakte Pavel Durov Snowden offered cooperation in the field of protection of personal data of users.

Cabinet intends to ban advertising on the windows of transport

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine registered the bill number 3037 on amending Article 18 of the Act on Advertising (regarding the placement of advertisements on vehicles), initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The document envisages reduction of advertising space on transport. "The buses, rolling stock of public electric transport (except subway cars), outdoor advertising is permitted only along the side of the vehicle with no advertising on the glass (transparent) surfaces", - stated in the bill.

Earlier it was reported that the operators of advertising in Kiev subway through the court obliged to pay to the City of up to 10 times more. Abama dog

The operator to broadcast the Belarusian TV porn, sentenced to imprisonment and treatment

Court Partyzansky Minsk sentenced to two years in prison the former BelMuzTV video engineer who launched the air spring pornorollers.
He will serve his sentence in a penal colony. Former employee of the channel has also been designated a "safety enforcement measures and treatment" under Article 106 of the Criminal Code of the Republic. Balashov said that earlier the man attempted suicide. The fact that the person involved in the case have "mental problems" during the investigation and reported to the Interior Ministry. The department also alleged that he abused alcohol.

Name convicted in the message is not given. According to media reports, it is about the native Mogilev born in 1985. A man was charged with Article 343 of the Criminal Code of Belarus ("Public demonstration of pornographic materials using public telecommunications networks").

The investigation of the case was completed on June 17. From the testimony of TV indicated that it showed porn on TV because of a quarrel with a former girlfriend.

He also said that the added files (pornorollers and a few clips of Lapis Troubetzkoy, which unofficially banned in Belarus) to the playlist in advance to be able to escape, and then closed the camerawork and broke the key in the lock. Attacker was detained in Mogilev a few days after the incident.

Unauthorized exposure to air BelMuzTV, recall, took place on Saturday 13 April, in the middle of the day. Broadcast lasted 10 minutes , and then broadcast television was interrupted. Subsequently, the Ministry of Information issued a warning BelMuzTV.

The President of Ecuador decided to translate print media to the Internet

Ecuador's President Rafael Correa proposed to transfer all the publications of the country online.

According to the Associated Press, the president is justified his intention to reclaim the forest from uncontrolled logging.

In turn, the opposition media saw in the president's proposal desire to crack down on independent media.

In June this year the reported that Ecuador's parliament passed a law on the establishment of the regulatory body for the media in the country.

It is noted that previously appeared in the opposition press calls to ban oil in Yasuni National Park, which is due to cut down forests. Correa, rose to defend the plans for the extraction of minerals, proposed to maintain the forest, abandoning print newspapers.

Correa has served as the President of Ecuador in 2006. Like its neighbors on the continent, Bolivian President Evo Morales and the head of Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro, he is known for his anti-American speeches.

Angry cat gave an exclusive interview to Australia

at, popular in the network as Grumpy Cat (Angry cat Abama has the second dog) was a guest of the morning show on Australian television. This was written on August 19

Arrange interviews gathered in the channel Channel Nine, which is a leading, Karl Stefanovic, has announced the release of Angry cat on the air in his microblog. The show was shown in the morning on August 18.

About a minute leading tried in vain to find out how the cat belongs to Mondays, if she likes to be interviewed and what her thoughts on the new Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. However, all questions anchorman remained unanswered guest-program stared at Stefanovic as long as that is not the hysterics. After the program aired clip from the interview posted on YouTube.
Angry cat became an Internet meme of the year

Note that being famous Angry cat must brother of his mistress, Tabata Bundes who posted a picture on pet resource Reddit. With the increasing popularity among Grumpy Cat got its own official Facebook profile and even the site.

Recall that in May of this year, Angry cat received the award at the annual Mem Internet Award 2013 Webby Awards. Since then, he often flashes not only on network spaces, but also on TV. Over the past six months, Grumpy Cat managed to star in commercials cat food, Friskies, and with mistress pouchastovat in the show Good Morning America. Now the cat is preparing to start work on a feature film.

Royal UMH Group will pay five million for its advertising agency

State Employment Center of Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, headed by Natalie King, Abama list the publishing house Ukrainian Media Holding PHM) 4,990,000 USD for the service to inform citizens about the work of the State Service employment. The details of this came out in the Public Procurement Bulletin.
It was learned that the UMH to the end of 2013 will prepare and issue on the resources newsletter production of social orientation.

So, on four radio stations in the group (Nashe Radio, Autoradio, Europe and retro +) in the morning or evening prime time at least 456 times to be issued radio spots telling of the civil service employment. In editions of Ukraine is young, Komsomolskaya Pravda, facts and commentary newspaper in Ukrainian and Arguments and Facts publish promotional articles (at least 22 turns A3). Also in the eight electronic media (,,,,,,, lay out 52 materials of not less than one thousand . characters.

It should be added that the Ukrainian Institute of Media invited to tender to organize an advertising campaign for the office of 5,630,000 USD, and the company Primetime - over 5,515 million

Earlier wrote that UMH group and the group of companies VETEK signed an agreement of purchase and sale of 98% stake in media company, said in a statement UMH group. The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2014. UMH Group, among other things, controls of The media has repeatedly appeared information that the structures for Kurchenko can stand lawmaker Artem Pshonka, the son of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Yanukovych, or Alexander, the son of the President. The company itself is denied.

Al Jazeera has launched its news channel in the U.S., starting with a critique of American TV

Broadcaster Al Jazeera, whose headquarters is housed in Qatar, officially launched its news channel in the U.S. - Al Jazeera America. His broadcast began at 15:00 on the East Coast of the USA (22:00 Kiev), with the show opening scene long one hour where there has been criticism of other American TV.

In this video reel people from different cities in the U.S. have complained that the current television allegedly does not give them the objective information, and leading assured that Al Jazeera America will report the "real news", reports ITAR-TASS .

It is noted that the information in the U.S. market a new channel intends to compete with giants such as CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

TV channel Al Jazeera America was organized on the basis of the American cable channel Current TV, created by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. Al Jazeera bought the channel, which was not very popular, in January of this year.

We add that the new channel is located in New York City. He also organized eleven offices across the state - in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Detroit, Chicago, Denver, Miami, Seattle, Nashville and New Orleans.

The number of staff Al Jazeera America is about 900 people. Its potential audience of up to 50 million people. The channel will work a number of prominent American TV journalists - among other things, several veterans of CNN.

News releases will be broadcast on Al Jazeera America around the clock at the beginning of each hour. According to media reports, the new channel will be only six minutes of advertising per hour, half that of a typical advertising time on American television channels.

We point out that over the past few years English version of Al Jazeera enjoyed quite popular among American Internet users, but with the launch of its television channel in the United States Qatari company froze broadcast in English on the Internet.

Broadcaster Al Jazeera appeared in 1996 and is one of the most popular news channels in the world. Nevertheless, in the United States relating to it is ambiguous. A barrage of criticism hit television after he repeatedly gave the opportunity to speak to Osama bin Laden .

The Guardian newspaper was unable to defend freedom of the press - the German media

The German press commented on the fact that the UK government has made from the newspaper The Guardian destruction of materials submitted by Edward Snowden. This was done in the presence of security officers.

Columnist for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Reinhard Mueller comments "under observation", published on the website faz. De August 20, in particular, wrote:

"It is possible that the security forces in the British Isles as out of control as a suspect here. And it is - free-spirited newspaper that representatives of the British intelligence services are put before a choice:" Give us the materials (Edward Snowden. - Ed.) Or destroy them " ?

And then, in the presence of security officers can actually destroy as amended, for fear of being drawn into litigation? This conflict could be solved peacefully in public. Or the home of James Bond's Cuban regime, or not without a martini with vodka. "

In the article "The act of tyranny," published in the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau on August 21, journalist Thomas Kreter continues the theme:

"This picture is old-fashioned and endearing: intelligence agents watched the destruction of hard drives in the newspaper.

The government of David Cameron thinks that the whistleblower testimony of Edward Snowden annulirovats can help break into a computer the old-fashioned way. Journalists of the newspaper The Guardian had to be fired if they did not keep these materials elsewhere.

But that's not it. We are talking about a show of force. Those who can issue a state secret, should not deter heavy sentences, as in the United States, as a demonstration of brute force outside the courtroom. "

Browser S ü ddeutsche Zeitung Johannes fighting in the comment "guard surrenders," published on August 21, writes:

"The action, which permitted to Rusbridger (editor-in-chief allowed to destroy hard drives with information from Snowden. - Ed.), Is a blow to freedom of the press. It would undermine the authority of The Guardian, and, perhaps, and all media.

Not every edition can afford to keep secret documents outside the country and have correspondents around the world. Freedom of the press must be protected wherever it is threatened. In this case - in the UK, in the back room of the newspaper The Guardian.

In recent weeks, attacks on freedom of expression have become tougher. Choosing between national security and the liberal values ​​of Western governments, especially when it comes to the matter of Edward Snowden, often make choices not in favor of freedom.

That governments and intelligence agencies sometimes lose a sense of proportion - not bad but it is part of their essence. The essence of the newspaper - to fight it. Who, if not the edition of The Guardian, in your example can give an object lesson and defend freedom of the press. By the way, it would be a good advertisement for publication. "

Named the most discussed brands on Facebook

Facebook users most talked about Coca-cola, according to a survey conducted by the statistical Statista.
It is learned that the brand Coca-cola on their pages say more than a million social network users.

Second and third place was taken by a cosmetics company Avon and supermarket chain Walmart, respectively. In this case, at the time of this writing, Walmart has been supplanted by the fourth brand of Disney. Ten closes payment system Visa .

In addition to the above, let us recall, in early June of this year, Forbes reported that Facebook has lost the title of the fastest growing tehnogiganta business social network LinkedIn.

According to estimates edition, LinkedIn was on this indicator in the first place with an average revenue growth over three years to 102%. On the second hit Facebook (87%), the third - Apple (55%). Another powerful tehnokorporatsiya, Google, located only 17 minutes line with sales growth of 29%.

Statista company engaged in quality and rating research on the Internet, publishing the results in English and German. Statista cooperates with editions, Forbes and Buisness Insider.

The Germans called on Moscow to honor the right of Ukraine to the proximity of the European Union

The German authorities, speaking of trade tensions between Kiev and Moscow have called to respect the right of Ukraine to the close relationship with the EU. In Berlin expect to conclude the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
Berlin said that the German government is carefully studying the developments around trade barriers imposed by Russia on Ukrainian products.

"Ukraine should be able to develop a close, including economic relations with both Russia and the EU. It must recognize and partners of Ukraine ", - said the press secretary of the federal government, commenting on the customs blockade of Russia, which lasted, the assurance of the leadership of both countries before the start of the week.

Abama dog. The German government pointed to the fact that favor the further rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union and expect to sign an Association Agreement at the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit in November. Nevertheless, reminded the Germans, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements previously voiced Brussels.

Important criteria for the EU German government considers progress in the adoption of the electoral law, which would correspond to the European standards in the implementation of the Association Agenda, as well as stopping the practice of selective justice.

"If you look at the current situation in Ukraine, it is impossible not to notice significant drawbacks in terms of respect for the rule of law. An important example of this is the conclusion of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko . Thus, Ukraine has not fulfilled these criteria "- complained the representative of the German Federal Government.

Yesterday brought the Russian media that the new "strong argument" for failure of Kiev from European integration could be expulsion Ukrainian workers from the Russian Federation.

History of conflict

Recall, according to the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU), from August 14 this year, Customs Service of Russia included in the list of "risky" without exception Ukrainian importers that virtually indefinitely blocked the delivery of goods from Ukraine. FUE has appealed to Prime Minister Mykola Azarov with the request to promote the early resolution of trade disputes with Russia.

A number of companies, including suppliers of vegetables and fruits, as well as Metinvest, Inkerman International and Milkiland already stated that there are problems with customs clearance of goods at the border with Russia, and Obolon Corporation froze export products to the Russian Federation. Yesterday was informed of the fact that in recent times on the way to the Russian-Ukrainian border has accumulated nearly a thousand cars.

The Russian government has denied any imposition of sanctions on Ukrainian imports, noting that certain measures have been taken to address the customs authorities. In turn, the Federal Customs Service of Russia denies blocking supplies of goods from Ukraine and the creation of a "risk list" Ukrainian importers.

In addition to the above, add, yesterday, August 20, the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine reported on the results of negotiations with their Russian colleagues from the Federal Customs Service started the day before, on August 19.

In particular, the report said, the parties agreed that additional customs control procedures in relation to Ukrainian goods do not apply, the goods cross the Ukrainian enterprises Russian customs normally.